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When Car Insurance Is Your Friend

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Sadly, even today, people tend to be rather callous when the question of car insurance comes up. Many give the excuse that since they are good drivers they will not need insurance at all. However, road traffic is not what it used to be and you can never predict what is going to happen on the road even if you follow all the driving rules.


Why do you need a car insurance policy? It offers you coverage in the event of losses arising from traffic accidents. As an example, just look at the following. Let us say that your car was hit by a falling tree and got totally smashed. If you had taken out a car insurance policy, the loss would be written off by your insurance company. If this were to happen, you would be better advised to go in for a new car instead of trying to repair the old one.


- Property Damage Liability Coverage: This policy type pays for accidental damage to someone else's property (for example, their home fence,) in a collision. The insurance can help people pay off the legal fees in case they have to deal with a lawsuit for property damage.

- Bodily Injury Liability: If a third person is injured, this coverage takes care of it. It covers lawsuit expenses as well.

- Personal Injury Protection (PIP): This policy type covers for medical expenses, lost wages and other similar expenses arising in an accident, wherein there is no serious bodily injury.

- Comprehensive Coverage: This policy type covers for damages caused by theft, flood, and fire and so on. This coverage is very important as it covers non-collision related damages.

- Collision Coverage: This policy type offers coverage for damages happening as result of a collision or in situations where your car strikes another car or is struck by another vehicle.

- Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage - This policy type pays for expenses that happen as a result of an accident in which the driver of the other car has insufficient insurance coverage.

- Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage: This policy type pays for expenses that happen as a result of an accident in which the driver of the other car has no insurance coverage causes an accident with your car.

- Underinsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage: This policy type is applicable in case of an accident in which the driver of the other car has insufficient insurance coverage. If the other car requires repairs, your policy will help you take care of that as well.

When getting a car insurance policy, check out the different types offered. Look out for car insurance that will cover you for a wide variety of things. You can buy several policies together. Look around for the best rates being offered in car insurance. There is no dearth of great car insurance deals if you look around sincerely enough.

It would be a great idea to check with friends and family to find out which deals are worth looking at and which companies offer the best bargains. After all, you are looking at an option that will work out in the long run. Look at the bigger picture when you choose a car insurance policy.

When Fogs Become a Hindrance to Your Driving

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When the fog comes rolling in to your area, you might think this is something that you should not worry about. Children would even love it when this happens because they would feel like they are playing among and amidst the clouds. Even older people love this kind of phenomenon for they are able to have a good relaxing feel around them because fogs oftentimes bring about a cool kind of temperature to everything that it envelopes. 

However, on some areas, the fog could get quite heavy and dense that one’s visibility is lessened. There are even some instances when the fog is so great that a person could not even see the object right in front of them. When this happens, it is not very advisable for people to move about for they could only bring harm to themselves or to other people. This also goes true for driving. 

Driving in the fog is not advisable as according to safety and driving experts. Of course, we all know that driving in the fog could be quite hazardous especially if the conditions are extreme. However, during instances when the fog is not that heavy, one could still drive through it. You should only have to put on your headlights so as to assist you with your visibility. 

Your car could also get foggy inside and the very first things that could fog up is your


 windshield. You can try defrosting it first to get the fog out. Or, so as to be able to reduce the chances of your windshield fogging, you should maintain its cleanliness. You can keep them clean by wiping them down about every two weeks. You can use glass cleaner to do this. 

You can also keep out moisture from your car. This moisture could come from various external sources like rain or snow that could come inside your vehicle through your clothes, umbrellas, or shoes. So make sure that you shake them off first before you get inside your car.

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